So the Doodlebug I bought my son was a huge hit on his 10th birthday today. I can't get him off the thing. I've never seen him so happy or excited to get a present. Anyway, I know the stock motor is small. I'm keeping it stock while he gets used to it better. Although I have to say he's only been riding for a day and he's already zipping around obstacles like he's done it for years.
I'm thinking of investing in a 2nd used one from CL. Something cheapass without a motor in it because I want it for myself (yeah, we're all kids here!) and I was going to put the Predetor 212 in it so it could pull my huge 250# self around.
Has anyone taken these bikes off the road on to some not-so-rugged trails? There are a few near my house that I could go to that are pretty basic without a lot of ruggedness to them. Do you think these bikes can handle something like that for fun or will we destroy them because they have no suspension?
I'm thinking of investing in a 2nd used one from CL. Something cheapass without a motor in it because I want it for myself (yeah, we're all kids here!) and I was going to put the Predetor 212 in it so it could pull my huge 250# self around.
Has anyone taken these bikes off the road on to some not-so-rugged trails? There are a few near my house that I could go to that are pretty basic without a lot of ruggedness to them. Do you think these bikes can handle something like that for fun or will we destroy them because they have no suspension?