picked this up a few weeks ago ts30?


Well-Known Member
small alsport, thinking a ts30? the body is a bit rough but I hope to get the skin peeled off soon and start the glass work,,, someone torched a section out of the left axle support for who knows what reason so I have to cut that out and form a piece to fit in it and weld it up, once it's welded and ground down most people will never know..I also have about 15 extra holes in the eng plate I have to weld closed... I have new tires for it, new grips, a 5hp Briggs I'm building....its mostly stock with a few goodies and touches...I'll be putting a new Comet 30 series clutch set on it...either a 4" drum or a disc brake...it came stock with a 2" band brake.

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Well-Known Member
The weather was nice today so I decided to strip the body of the plastic skin, it came off really well so now I'm down to the fiberglass shell which is going to need some reconstruction where someone hacked some pieces out of it along with some cracks...once all the glass work is done I'll probably do a gelcoat finish on it..
Back in the day, people sure did like to drill holes in the engine plates LOL. Sounds like you're going to fix it up and have a very nice trike��
yes I can only imagine what all might have been mounted on this over the years... The plan is to put this back together for our Granddaughter, hopefully it will spark her interest...

Thank you...