Pictures of spoked wheel version of Cat Endura needed

joshua. c.

Well-Known Member
After years of searching I now have most of the parts to assemble the spoked wheel version of a cat endura and I'm nearly ready to start assembly. but there are a few things that im not shure where or how they assemble and I could use some reference pictures of the bike to figure these out. This is such a rare bike there aren't many pictures of them online, there are a few of the small wheeled version but not many of the large wheeled one. If you own a stock Cat Endura and can provide fresh new pictures not currently posted anyware else It would be appreciated.

joshua. c.

Well-Known Member
I've looked up ever picture avalable but not many show a good zoomed in left and right side view and most pictures are of the small wheeled version wich dosn't help much.

joshua. c.

Well-Known Member
The info I need is:
1. What tye of spacers do the axles to the wheels use?
2. What model and brand of torque converter is the origenal and what would work as a substitute?
3. How dose the rear fender mount and posibly measurements of the rear fender?
4. What type of mount dose the clutch cover use and what could work as a substitute?
5. How many teeth did the sprocket on the jackshaft have?
6. What color of spraypaint would match the origenal yellow best?
7. where do I get the chrome tape/paint ? for the bottom of the tank?
8. I need a picture of the origenal seat from the side back and top with a tape measure in front of each in both veritcle and horizontal to pull hight and length measurments off of.

once I start the build I may have more questions.

joshua. c.

Well-Known Member
Thanks but thats the wrong bike, thats a hardtail. The Endura has a rear swing arm and rear shocks and my frame has no visible mounting points

joshua. c.

Well-Known Member
I do plan on fixing the front brake issue, I've already assesed that a rupp front brake will work after cutting back the axle bushing on one side of the front wheel. I also plan on un governing the motor with the ohh55 billet rod and adding a more agressive cam and some port work, the motor will only apear stock from the outside. The bike will keep a mostly stock aperence with a few choice mods. and yess this bike was the 10 inch wheel model and judging by the stock grey color it may have been the late model with the red dirbike like plasticks but I dont have those so its going yellow like the earlyer bike.