railroad to a road for cars instead to hiking trail

joshua. c.

Well-Known Member
Recelntly avalable property to build on in some towns around the New Hampsire seacoast is getting hard to find I heard a couple of years back a town rep in Hampton talking about the very last buildable lot in Hampton that had not yet been used and what to do with it. There is a severe housing shortage in my area so we need to build more. One overlooked solution to this issue is un locking land locked land. There is allot of it in hampton and the surrounding towns and there is an abandoned rail line cutting threw thousends of acres of it. This rail line is now a hiking trail but what if we make it a road instead? it runs from Portsmouth NH to Newburyport Mass so there would be tons of newly developable land up for grabs not to mention a new roadway that could bypass the most congested sections of rout 1 like seabrook (to many stoplights, they keep adding more! no more lights pleas!). The other benifit would be the largest construction boom this area has ever seen. This idea probably won't go anyware, to many people love the walking trail and environmentalists would have a fit but its interesting none the less.


Well-Known Member
Recelntly avalable property to build on in some towns around the New Hampsire seacoast is getting hard to find I heard a couple of years back a town rep in Hampton talking about the very last buildable lot in Hampton that had not yet been used and what to do with it. There is a severe housing shortage in my area so we need to build more. One overlooked solution to this issue is un locking land locked land. There is allot of it in hampton and the surrounding towns and there is an abandoned rail line cutting threw thousends of acres of it. This rail line is now a hiking trail but what if we make it a road instead? it runs from Portsmouth NH to Newburyport Mass so there would be tons of newly developable land up for grabs not to mention a new roadway that could bypass the most congested sections of rout 1 like seabrook (to many stoplights, they keep adding more! no more lights pleas!). The other benifit would be the largest construction boom this area has ever seen. This idea probably won't go anyware, to many people love the walking trail and environmentalists would have a fit but its interesting none the less.
No thanks .

joshua. c.

Well-Known Member
A shortage is a shortage no mater the cause. If there wasn't a shortage houses in my area woulden't be selling above asking and with inspections waved just to get the bid accepted. The house I have now is already valued 165 thousend dollars above what I payed for it around 6 years ago. thats insane! Its still a fixer upper I'm working on so that totals not the final figure.

and yea not everyone is going to like my roadway idea mchadsey1. In stead of just no thanks pleas elaborate on your reasoning, I'd be interested in hearing why. do you use this trail or just don't like the idea of more development? lets discuss.
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Well-Known Member
A shortage is a shortage no mater the cause. If there wasn't a shortage houses in my area woulden't be selling above asking and with inspections waved just to get the bid accepted. The house I have now is already valued 165 thousend dollars above what I payed for it around 6 years ago. thats insane! Its still a fixer upper I'm working on so that totals not the final figure.

and yea not everyone is going to like my roadway idea mchadsey1. In stead of just no thanks pleas elaborate on your reasoning, I'd be interested in hearing why. do you use this trail or just don't like the idea of more development? lets discuss.
Adding in a roadway to build more houses will not alleviate congestion. It will just create more congestion. Theres only so much natural space. Once its gone its not coming back. The animals need there space thats how the eco system works. And i still say no thanks . I shouldnt have to defend my response.


Well-Known Member
A shortage is a shortage no mater the cause. If there wasn't a shortage houses in my area woulden't be selling above asking and with inspections waved just to get the bid accepted. The house I have now is already valued 165 thousend dollars above what I payed for it around 6 years ago. thats insane! Its still a fixer upper I'm working on so that totals not the final figure..
All we did was strip the home let dogs mess up the carpets and let the yard go and somehow that almost doubled are houses value..

NOW we update Zillow and go crazy making everything look manicured go through the interior. We can push that # closer to 200k with little work I think.
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A shortage is a shortage no mater the cause. If there wasn't a shortage houses in my area woulden't be selling above asking and with inspections waved just to get the bid accepted. The house I have now is already valued 165 thousend dollars above what I payed for it around 6 years ago. thats insane! Its still a fixer upper I'm working on so that totals not the final figure.

and yea not everyone is going to like my roadway idea mchadsey1. In stead of just no thanks pleas elaborate on your reasoning, I'd be interested in hearing why. do you use this trail or just don't like the idea of more development? lets discuss.
Your house is valued higher in part because of massive inflation, plus the raising of the prime interest rate. Also, large corporations like Blackrock are buying up single family homes, knocking those homes down and building developments for "migrants". That is where a big corporation can pay so much, and pay cash and waive inspections.