Scrap pile rescue!

New member here from San Marcos, Texas. I'm looking for some info on this scrap pile rescue. My boss was about to have a load of trash sent to the yard when I noticed a set of handle bars sticking out. I dug this mini-bike out of the pile and brought it home today. From the label it is made by Alexander Reynolds. Can anyone give me some helpful info on this? I had one alot like it as a child and I was thinking my 4 daughters would have as much fun as I did. Any info would be greatly appreciated.

Here's what I'm hoping to find out:

What year is it?
Did it have a brake?
Motor- Rebuild or swap out?
Helpful links.

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I have the same bike and don't know much about it either, so I'll be interested to see if some experts chime in. Mine was sold at Sears, it had a Sears "vin" tag riveted to the engine plate, I always assumed it's from the early seventies. It should have a rear scrub brake. Keep that motor oh yeah! They made a model called Easy Rider. I don't know if it was a chopper, or your bike with the spring on the fork. Nice score! :thumbsup:
Wow nice score,that bike should be easy to get going.That Tecumseh is either a three or three and a half,the tag on the front of the pull cover will have the info.
Hi Rocco, I wanted to ask how you knew it was a 72? The serial number shows 0348B which according to the Tecumseh thread sticky and on this site ( on how to ID the engine, the serial equates to the 348th day of the year of 1970?

Not refuting your post, was interested in knowing because I'm also trying to ID an engine on my new found roper and would like to know what's the proper way of ID'ing the year of the engine.
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