Speedway Red Baron ?

Just picked it out of a barn in Wisconsin... I know it is a Speedway... think it is the Red Baron model... can anyone confirm?


Speedway Greenhorn

Probably a Greenhorn if the original paint is green...samething as the red barron anyway, nice find.
However, did someone knotch the top tube to fit a different engine?
Whoever primed the tank painted right over the Speedway sticker, pulled back it is red underneath. The green on the forks looks like a bad restore paint job since there is green over spray on the tires. Yes, it looks like some notched the frame at some point. However, brakes work and rolls real nice, tires are in good shape.

Any suggestions on a good engine for this bike?



Most guys use either a Tech HS40 or HS50; that's what they came with.
That little bracket on the engine base plate is not original and can be removed.
