sports! what do you play?


Well-Known Member
I live in the south. Hard enough to keep my teeth. But, love some hockey.
At 53 my b-ball,football sofball, hell almost all ballin are over.


Well-Known Member
Runner/bicyclist does that count. :shrug: In my glory days I ran 110 meter high hurdles & 300 intermediate hurdles. Set some records too in the 300 intermediates.
these skates saw a lot of ice time when I was younger, but no more......I tried going back when I was in my 30's to play in some Friday night leagues but the kids were too fast and my knees would swell up with water and hurt like hell.....

I doubt they'll ever leave that hook they're hanging from again.. gettin old.......:no:
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New Member
Tumbling , cartwheels and summersults............................................................................................................................While snowmobiling.:laugh: