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  • hi. Buck eyes. i am the younger brother of tanksaeus. he is moving to cape town in a few days time. i remember having your head here in port elizabeth. there is a fare well due for him and his family on thursday. this week. im doing a canvas with loads of messages for him as a good luck gift for him. as you may know more of his colliegs on OldMiniBikes. would you be able to get some of them to send me a short message. that i could put on the canvas. with out him knowing. i would need them by thursday afternoon at the latest. try keep it hush hush. if you could e mail them to me at rkheimann@gmail.com i would be eternaly gratefull. thank you for your time. rolfo
    hey buckeye......got a question for ya.......I wanna post something from youtube.......you have any idea how to do that?
    From the picture I would buy a bag of OA (Oxalic Acid/wood bleach) Soak whole frame. It will remove all the redish color and bring back your white colors. Then after clean I would apply a Clear matte metal oil. The OA will LIFT all the red rust and you will still keep all the white under it. You badge decal will not be effected either. That OA is incredible stuff.
    Not to many , and your almost there . Right now i see 19,983 , 17 more to go if you get busy you can break 20,000 tonight . rock on Tom .
    Hey Man ! are you going to any more shows this summer. I'm hopin to get at least one more Bike done before winter. It looks to me like you FOX . I would like to find a Spoiler to restore.........TommyDee
    Hey Man ! It's me It's me It's Tommy Dee from Knoxvull Tennessee Dam glad to ta meet ya !! Windber was a Blast and I think my little K&S Hornet won something so says Jeff not sure , had to Bug out at 7:00 am Sunday he says it will be posted on the Forum soon. Can't wait till next year...!
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