TAV2 30 clone torque converter driver puller- warped!? Defective? Or normal?

Ok so I got a replacement front driver pulley, and the inside part is not level or flat like my old one. It seems to work ok, but wondering if this is by design, a defect, or what? Is any of yours like that?

Short unlisted vid showing problem

Came from this longer vid of mine installing 60 tooth rear sprocket (in first min of vid)

Wanting to know if I should return pulley for a defect or should I just send it!? :D
Seems to work ok, but maybe it is not allowing the belt to ride as high as it should in top "gear"?
At the beginning you can see that the stationary sheave should be 2-1/2 degrees, and the moveable sheave is 18 degrees for a collective angle of 22-2/2 degrees.

In other words, it's supposed to be like that.
Sweet! I never saw that graphic above. Thanks.

I guess my first one was messed up being flat, and the new one is correct. It does seem to work a lot better, and is smoother.
It rips with a 9 tooth - 60 tooth setup.