Tecumseh lighting coils


Well-Known Member
I've got a few lighting coils that are just taking up shelf space.

Lighting coil A. Has some sort of funky connection on it, with an inline fuse. Very clean overall $75 OBO plus shipping

Lighting coil B. Has 3-prong connection, spark plug connector is missing $65 OBO plus shipping

Lighting coil C. Has kill switch wire and 2 leads, like the ones used on a Rupp. $85 OBO plus shipping

Lighting coil D. Missing the lighting connector. $60 OBO plus shipping

Paypal only, please add the 3% or send it as a gift.

If you buy more than one, I'll give you a discount.


Well-Known Member
I purchased these in a large lot and I don't know if they'll fit HS engines or not. I know they'll fit in H40-H70. I was under the impression that the lighting coils were all the same size. Can someone chime in?
If you look at the coil mounting positions two are one way two are the other which will vastly change the timing so possibly two are for HS5 and the other two something else. I have to go look at mine and see where the mounting lugs are relative to the spark coil.


Well-Known Member
Coils A and C are off of a 5hp engine and I'm fairly certain they'll work on the smaller engines too . I'm still not sure about the others.

I also have 3 different lighted flywheels off of 5hp engines. I'll do $50 each on those.

Feel free to make offers


Well-Known Member
Bump -- make an offer

I also have these two flywheels. I think they're too large for the small block. Maybe H40-H70? The one on the left has some nicks in a couple of the fins

I'll do $65 shipped on each of these or $110 shipped on the pair.

I am very interested in buying a lighting coil, the two tech motors I have are an H70 and an OHV 5hp power sport.
Would any of his stuff fit either one of these motors?



Well-Known Member
All I can say guarantee is the dimensions of the flywheels. I don't know what either one came off of -- but I was told they were H50-H70 engines. I have a 3rd flywheel too, and it's a little bit larger than these two.

These are 6-5/8" across and 2.5" high. I looked them over for a part number but can't seem to locate one.
OK thank you. I'll try and get some measurements when I can, in the meantime do what you have to do with these i.e. if someone else is interested etc. I have a great running H70 that I think would make a nice little trail bike motor and have been wanting to add lights for years.