tell me where to get this...

I took this piece of my stock engine it is what attaches the carburator and air filter and i need another one. Where can i get it?

its about 5 inches long and 6 or 7 mm thick with threads on both sides
i dont know what that is ahah
Tap and die - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

there's this website on the internet called Google. if you don't know what something is you can type it in there and usually find an answer (that's how i found the Wiki page. it's great but can be very unreliable). it's an amazing tool that can be very helpful with your adventures on the internet. if you're sensitive or have children around, don't turn off the "safe surf" thing for their image search. sometimes you get penis pictures when you're looking for pictures of roosters.:thefinger:
Northern tool. Mower shop. Ebay. Anywhere that sells small engine stuff. Probably WAAAAAAAAAY. cheaper to buy a new one than to buy a tap/die set to fix the one you have.
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