The Doodle Bug Animal aka "Money Pit"

Her's a project that started off as goof of sorts. My 45th birthday I finally got a mini bike from my wife I've been always been wanting since I was a kid but never got around too. Started off as a Pep Boys Doodle and just some beer drink'in fun. It was so under powered I started researching ways to improve this. was my answer.

Special thanks to Chris for the help and 6.5 clone!!! (Probably won't remember me) And another shout out to AGK for the bolt-ons and MB Services here in Temecula, Ca for the paint and body. All design, welding, and sheet metal was done here at my sheet metal shop in murrieta. Tons of fun!!!

All of you will reconize the motor mods so no need to go into that. Shop foreman already has ideals for the next project to start in April this year.

Is it an addiction or a sickness?
Thanks! The "Money Pit will be photographed at the Temecula Rod Run next month though MB Services here in Temecula under sunlight. Indoor pictures do no justice for thier paint and body skills. I will post them accordingly.
I would like to add more pics because I cannot figure out how to add them to "My Photos" and the thread only allows 5. Any clue how to do this? Sorry for off topic.