Two Doodle Bugs

Just bought two Doodle bugs for my two kids, a red one and a green one, both with 2.5 hp motors. When I was 8 my step dad built me a mini bike with a MC-9 racing kart motor but it did not last long, my mother deemed it to fast. At the time I did not know it did 55mph. When I turned twelve I got what I believe is a ruttman frame and a junk ass Briggs 3hp with my paper route money. It didn't have brakes, a clutch or a throttle. I Just pushed it to start it and would run wide open until I choked it with my hand over the back of the carb. That was 1980 for the first one and 1984 for the second one. Well that same fire has just been restoked and I'm currently trying to find the both of them and get them back for myself. If not I will make a replica of both but with all the right gear and some high performance modifications, not half- assed like the old days. All these pictures here are great.
Welcome to Oldminibikes !!!!!

I was thinking, is an MC a MC Culloch engine?

Anyways, These people here are really smart and devoted to sharing information.
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McCulloch MC-9

Yes it is a McCulloch go kart racing engine and I think they have put it in some chainsaws, like the ones you see on TV for those wood cutting competitions.
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