Wanted: Centaur/Clinton E-65 Air Filter Box

Oh-oh... I misposted this in the for sale section. I need an airbox for a Clinton E-65 for my Centaur folding mini. It looks like this. Anyone got one that's been sitting there for 100 years? - azpaul50
Great! Attn: Randy

Randy - I see you are an experienced member here which I'm not. How do we do the deal on the filter box and decal? Could you email me at azpaul50@hotmail.com offline? Might I see a pic of the airbox at your convenience? - azpaul
:eek:hmy: Wow thats a pretty good deal.. Those things aren't easy to find anymore..
That's one of the many great things about this site! I have gotten some great deals, and sent some member's some items for free. Even paid shipping, but these things will come back to me tenfold! Hell they alredy have!:thumbsup: