why do people

feel like they own the streets i just had a lady stand in the middle of the street and refuse to move because i was driving my go cart on the street so i did a 180 slide kinda thing and went through her yard jeez i hope these people learn they cant stop me so now the cops are probably looking for me. man it just makes me mad that these people wanna stop me i wasnt hurting any one at least iam not sellin drugs or breaking into houses man people are dumb :eek:ut:
well iam done with my rant
WHAT A MORON....And I don't mean the old lady! Did you ever hear the phrase "The easy assurance of the unconsciously ignorant"? It's a phrase used to describe people who are too stupid to even know that they're ignorant. And that phrase; my friend; fits you to a tee.......Ogy.
Ive Always been against riding go-karts on the street just for the fact they sit way to low to be seen by cars in many situations.

Im not too sure you handled the situation very well by ripping through her yard.

Karts are just way too low man, I'd just keep it off the street and stay in good with my neighbors.........
ive got a flag on it so i know they can see me and its not like i was just gonna wait for her to move they dont have side walks and that street is the only one to my house
A flag huh....Well that's a different matter....When a young mother picking her kids up from elementary school swerves to miss a go kart that zipped out in front of her and goes down over an embankment or hits the curb and flips over injuring her young kids and herself....well then that will be ok because....you had a flag....YOU'RE A MORON !!!!!! OGY.
A flag huh....Well that's a different matter....When a young mother picking her kids up from elementary school swerves to miss a go kart that zipped out in front of her and goes down over an embankment or hits the curb and flips over injuring her young kids and herself....well then that will be ok because....you had a flag....YOU'RE A MORON !!!!!! OGY.

You're making yourself look like quite the responsible person by bashing people on an internet forum.
I don't blame you jesse!!!

It truely is fun to get on that cart and ride, I know, I've done it more than once, I'm 52, and laying the level on the line, here real soon, I'll have my go-cart running again, and I'm looking forward to doing some rideing myself, and sometimes I do ride in the street, no flag, no lights, no roll cage, just me, my cart and that 5hp briggs, mine goes so fast, if people get in my way, well that would be suisidal for them, or they would have to have a death wish:evil_laughter: anyway it sounds like you have made an enemy of that neighbor, so if i were you I'd push the cart past her house then fire it up at a distance,now if you have one of those loud carts try putting a quiet muffler on the thing and maybe she'll leave you alone.
A Kid i grew up with got killed on a country road on a go Kart when i was teen. Maybe this lady had an encounter with one or like me knew some one who got killed. You Never know the guy that got killed the driver of the car never saw him and he went under it. The cart was no match for the car ..Good luck riding in the street. You may do it a 1000 times no problems. I have 2 carts and 100 Acres we even close the Farm gate on my driveway when the kids are running the carts. We had a guy on a four wheeler hit head on into a ford bronco thing about a month ago . Was the end of him .
well see the thing is THEY DO NOT OWN THE STREET THEY HAVE NO RIGHT TO TRY TO STOP ME if they have a problem they can call the cops. in fact the cops have told these people they cant do that so they need to quit it before they get hurt i might just not stop next time
I don't have 100 acers, wish I did, then I'd have a blacktop track, or maybe 2, one to ride in skill and one just an oval to race maybe 3 or 4 gocarts, I'm not saying go out and be the terror of the neighborhood, one should look for maybe a big parking lot, or school playground when no one else is around, now way would i ride on a busy street, and always watch out for motorist, because they panic when they see a cart and do dumb things, like run you over, yea we've had some close calls, my son, and me, but usually it was operator error!!!
The only one that can tell you, you have to stop is the cops, but in your case if they get alot of complaints they would be more inclined to take your cart,, you need to let the situation cool down and be respectfull, just ride it somewhere else, safer for you and your jealous neighbor.
dave see ill show you a pic of how my area is setup. the white is shut down for construction so i cant go that way and the red is the way i go


Active Member
You never know when you are on the street on the toys.

i seen a kid on a bicycle run in to the side of a moving car yesterday kid was 100% at fault he was vary lucky and did not get hurt.
Kind of like you're stuck, that looks like a well populated area!!! Not a good idea to ride in an area like that, if there is alot of traffic, I think I'd look for a better spot to ride, yea and I think I'd load my cart in my van to get there.


New Member
I don't know how the laws are where you are,but way up here,go-karts and mini bikes aren't legal to be on the streets.The only way I can get away with running around my neigborhood is to keep in good standing with the neighbors so they don't call the police.Another neighbor almost ruined that by running his chinese pocket rockets at 2:30 in the morning.He got a warning from the police.

We only hit the streets during full daylight hours,cars and pedestrians have right of way,and always give a freindly smile and/or wave.And as such,noboby minds us riding in the area.

Sorry to say it,Jesse,but you handled it the wrong way.
I do see your point , but I also see your neighbors point too. It sounds like you need to find a different place to go. Sorry to hear about your unfortunate situation.
Handled WAAYYY bad. Streets are for licensed AND insured vehicles ONLY!! You mister go-kart rider have neither. When YOU cause an accident YOU will be paying out of pocket until you have nothing or your parents have nothing.
Way to go ATK....finally somebody who GETS IT! Jesse can ride his go kart or minibike anywhere he wants as long as it doesn't affect or have the potential to affect me. Right now I can hear him saying "hey dude, like, how's me and my posse ridin on the road, like, gonna hurt you man"? Here's how. When you or one your "dudes" zips out in front of me on your go kart; you're going to get mangled by my 6000 lb. Toyota Tundra. If you don't survive, your family is going to get themselves a "pro bono" (that means free, dude) lawyer and sue me for killing you. AND THAT AFFECTS ME!!! If you do survive, you are going to be a quadrapalegic (crippled dude). At which time your family is going to get another "pro bono" lawyer and parade you around in front of a jury in your full body cast, sitting in a wheel chair complete with oxygen tubes hanging out your nose. And of course they're going to need 75 million dollars because now "poor jesse" won't be able to attend Harvard. AND THAT AFFECTS ME.....DUDE!!!!.......GET IT ?????