Worn clutch key help.

The fix/built in key on my new to me comet clutch is almost gone.
The prior owner had drill a small hole on the engine shaft so to get the only set screw to sort of lock the clutch to the shaft.
I am contemplating drilling a couple holes right above the shaft key way and install two more set screws.
The clutch still has meat to wear. Any other ideas are welcome.

PS. I also tought of drilling right trough the clutch and shaft and install a bolt O.O.

I will get a new clutch in the near future Pap. I will keep an eye on it.

I still have a lot of things to workout on this OldMiniBikes Neo71665. Once I work all the bugs out I will replace the worn parts with new ones.
Plus there is fun trying to figure a fix or temporary patch to something that is almost gone.

Thanks for the comments.