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  • Hey how you doing? new to this site just registered a few mins ago.. you seen to have a lot of Rupps from what i see. But after my gram's passing i need up with the roadster 2 that i always rode as a kid, worked on, and always wanted it to be mine so i could put a lil bit of work into it.This was my moms first motorcycle. bikes in mint shape, been in the basement all these years but 10 years or so ago i broke the chain and ended up loosing the piece i had to reference the chain size. can you tell me what size the chain is? and are they fairly easy to find? thanks for the help

    Thanks for your help on the forum in my post identifying the bike.. I thought I'd ask you if you might know anybody on the forum with an original chain guard? My brother Scottessey and I work at a metal fabrication shop here in the bay Area. If I can't find a guard, I hope to duplicate one.. Just thought I would ask.


    Brian Kirksey
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