Dad of 2 boys and a little girl.
Anything with an engine, Guns, Homebrew, books, 80's stuff.
- Birthday
Jul 9, 1974
(Age: 50)
- Location
Cape Cod-MA
- Mini Bikes
1984 Sears Puddle Jumper, 2 Grand Prix
- eBay User ID
- Occupation
Police Sgt.
1984 Sears Puddle Jumper
Grand Prix (done)
Grand Prix (not done)
Sensation MB-6A
Homebuilt w/ 8hp briggs
2009 Kikker Hardknock 200cc
Other toys: Glock 23, 19
WASR-10 AK-47 7.62
Moss 12ga
Kel-tec 3PAT .380
Smith &Wesson model 36 .38