Hi. I found your post about the HF floor-mounted bender through a search -- part of the first step in my son and I building a mini bike. If your offer is still open to sell dies for tubing for the bender, I'd love to buy a set from you. Please email me at olsenjack@gmail.com . Thanks very much.
Hey smallbore, just joined after a search on HF benders & tight radius bends. I am looking to fab up some simple 1" round pipe to 3.5 - 4" radius. These are for simple seat frames for a jeep. I'd like to buy a "cheap" HF bender & get the dies from you if necessary. Which HF bender & die set (from you) would you recommend for this 1" OD project. I don't know how to attached a pic for you, but I can send it direct if you'd like.
Thanks for your help,
Benjamin N. Ca.
Click on "UserCP" at the top left corner. In the next Menu look for SETTINGS & OPTIONS. Click on "edit avatar" then browse, and save changes...Thats it, your done !!
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