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  1. C

    Go kart chain and wheel question?

    I got a free one wheel peel go kart, 3.5hp Briggs, my daughter was riding it and after about 30 seconds it threw a chain, the wheel side with the sprocket on it fell off, I found the nut but when I put the wheel and sprocket back on the threads on the axle are flush with the outer bearing, what...
  2. C

    Mikunt tuni help?

    I've got a mikuni carb on my puma 196 mini bike, it has a stumble on hard acceleration, can anyone lead me to a good starting place to start dialing it in, air scre is at 2 turns out and the needle is in middle position, also have air filter and intake and a free flowing exhaust with a muffler...
  3. C

    Mikuni tuning

    I've got a mikuni carb on my puma 196 mini bike, it has a stumble on hard acceleration, can anyone lead me to a good starting place to start dialing it in, air scre is at 2 turns out and the needle is in middle position, also have air filter and intake and a free flowing exhaust with a muffler...
  4. C

    Governor bypass setup using mikuni carb?

    I'm installing a mikuni slide carb on my mini bike, im looking for a way to bypass the governor once I delete the factory throttle plate and linkages, any pictures or video links to point me in the right direction would be appreciated. Thank you.
  5. C

    Governor setup using mikuni carb?

    I'm installing a mikuni slide carb on my mini bike, im looking for a way to bypass the governor once I delete the factory throttle plate and linkages, any pictures or video links to point me in the right direction would be appreciated. Thank you.
  6. C

    Governor hook up with mikuni carb?

    I'm installing a mikuni slide carb on my mini bike, im looking for a way to bypass the governor once I delete the factory throttle plate and linkages, any pictures or video links to point me in the right direction would be appreciated. Thank you.
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    Free Roller!

    Got this free frame from a guy that works for me, going to rebuild it with my 7 year old daughter, will be putting a 212 predator on it, can anyone tell what kind it is? I've ordered a ton of parts for it and just wanted to post up before pictures.
  8. C

    Brake rod?

    what can I make a brake rod out of? Or should I just buy one?
  9. C

    newest mod to the puma!

    I added some led trailer marker lights as taillights, tapped into headlight wiring, and they work awesome, are bright and don't draw hardly anything for juice, I got em at AutoZone for $7 each. Next is to do something with the governor, then a torque converter. Gersty
  10. C

    Yukon trail 200 puma suspension?

    There are shocks on the back and 3 holes for them to bolt too, its in the middle now, what would the advantage of the first or second hole serve? would it make the ride more cushy or stiffer? I also loosened the throttle stop screw up to where it isn't stopping the throttle at all, do you...
  11. C

    Newbie with question

    Yesterday I picked up a yukon trail puma 200 from the local rural king, bought it in the box and put it together myself, I bought this to ride around my farm, it runs awesome and I love riding it, my question is, It has headlight, can I wire some led marker lights for a semi or trailer on the...