
  1. bigrob

    Mad Max gokart

    I am not sure what this all about lol
  2. Shawnster

    Worlds Longest Mad Lib Thread

    Let's start the worlds longest Mad Lib thread. I'll start it off. A guy rode his mini bike into a bar and yelled at the.......
  3. myjunk

    Homemade or ?????

    I know the engine is wrong, but I wonder if it was factory built, or someones mad imagination!
  4. M

    New From Illinois

    Hello all, Newbie here. I have built Manco go-karts now I have a cheap completely stock db30 going to see what I can do to it. Handle bars drive me mad (new style) slant back. Thanks for having a site like this for reference. Cheers.
  5. Boomstick

    Pulsajet carb to Mikuni:

    Anybody have a specific Mikuni carb that is a good match for a 2.5hp or 3hp Briggs? Both are older engines, and I'm not afraid to fab up an intake. Can weld, have a mill & lathe. I'm ready to light these friggin' pulsajets on fire & :censure: them out. Full tank? Runs a little rich...