
  1. C

    Mustang Trail Machine- Looking for Restorer

    I am looking for an individual or shop, located in Arizona, who had restored (within the past few years) a 1961 Mustang Trail Machine with an 8.5HP B&S. Sound familiar to anyone here? I know little about these Mustangs but it appears a 5.75HP B&S was OE so this fully-refinished example is a...
  2. CLH

    Rare Mustang Trail Machine on eBay

    This isn't my bike, but these are rare so I had to share it. Here is a rare 1962 mustang trail machine with it's original 5 & 3/4 hp Briggs engine with the oil bath air cleaner- Look at that motor! It seems to have a (likely multi-speed) gearbox that has some sort of kickstart mechanism on it...
  3. AboveUpNorth

    1962 Mustang Trail Machine

    Not mine, but for sale locally..... It's too rare and sexy not to let everyone see :-) 1962 Mustang Trail Machine Mini Bike The MUSTANG TRAIL MACHINE is a lightweight motorcycle manufactured by Gladden Products Corporation of Glendale, California from 1961 to 1965. Powered by an upright...
  4. rollin2

    I missed out on a Mustang Trailmaster.!!!

    Was doing my nightly Craigslist search and came across a Mustang Trailmaster for 100 bucks.It was almost complete too.Seat and fender,clutch cover was missing too,but for 100 bucks. Came across the post at 11 pm,and did not want to call that late. Dagnabit. It was in West Wichita, Did one of...
  5. D

    Mustang trail machine

    Does any one have info about the mustang trail machine and how the seat comes off.
  6. T-Town Mini

    '65 Mustang...

    Er...uh, sorta: I'm not normally a fan of Drifting but, DAMN...that "Mustang" is the most badazz car ever built!!!
  7. gladden 75 engine

    gladden 75 engine

  8. gladden 75 engine

    gladden 75 engine

  9. gladden 75 engine

    gladden 75 engine

  10. gladden 75 engine

    gladden 75 engine

  11. gladden 75 engine

    gladden 75 engine

  12. gladden 75 engine

    gladden 75 engine

  13. gladden 75 engine

    gladden 75 engine

  14. gladden 75 engine

    gladden 75 engine

  15. gladden 75 engine

    gladden 75 engine

  16. gladden 75 engine

    gladden 75 engine

  17. gladden 75 engine

    gladden 75 engine

  18. gladden 75 engine

    gladden 75 engine

  19. gladden 75 engine

    gladden 75 engine

  20. gladden 75 engine

    gladden 75 engine
