230lbs - 22MPH

I clocked the DB today at 22 MPH with my big ass on it lol

Now I have to make some adjustments to actually slow it down a bit. My boy is 8 years old and this is his first minibike so, I want to make sure that he stays safe on it.

It did take a bit to get up to speed and the road was very flat. The thing still has 0 power for the little incline in the backyard, but I am quickly becoming an enthusiast :)

Any other DB'ers from Delaware?
sounds like a stock too nice. i was contemplating on buying some kind of motorized device for me(19) and my siblings(9,10,12). i was going to do the pocket bike thing because it was very cheap but did research and didnt like what i have seen. instead starting doing research on db's and found out i always ended up here so after like 2 weeks just joined. i also liked what i saw so got hooked instantly
I weigh 190lbs. and probably cruise about 25 give or take! That's awesome you hit 22 on a stock DB.. Did you remove the throttle stopper screw?
i'm 255ish and have hit 44mph (GPS) on a relatively short stretch by my friend's house on my DB. it felt like there might have been 1 or 2 more mph in it.