3.5HP Tecumseh Side Popper (lausen 143724022 ser# 3221b)

hs3.5 1.JPG hs3.5 2.JPG hs3.5 3.JPG hs3.5 4.JPG hs3.5 5.JPG Good running little motor. Cleaned it up for my Arco build, but decided on a 4hp. Didn"t sell on Ebay so instead of re listing you'all can have a crack at it. It is already securely crated and ready to ship. Ships at 31lbs. for around $40 in the US. Basically cleaned up and painted. Rebuilt the carb and started it. Wrong sticker kit, but looks cool. Just needs the throttle mod done.

$120.00 shipped (PayPal):hammer:
Not exactly sure about the year so it may have been the balloon type Tecumseh sticker. However in fact the sticker should read

"Craftsman" but that ain't so cool...:pimp: