$4000 Minibikes

saw a minibike for sale that listed all the "restoration" on the bike
trying to justify a $4000 price price tag. i firmly believe that the
list represented every possible thing that could be done to lessen the
value of the bike.

$4000 mini's, $3000 trikes, i don't know, i may be in the wrong business!

"Listed" price and what the bike actually sells for can be VERY different numbers. They can ASK any price they want- what matters is what will they actually GET?
Put out the right bate and you might see how many frogs there in the pond. That desire for a certain brand of model can be like hot off the wall bidding. Take it like this put up a great mini like a Savage and see how far old GTO would hop to get it. Someone just bought Donald Trumps Ferrari for big bucks.
Yep as Forrest would say "Stupid is as stupid does". Somewhere out there Stupid will see it and have to have it, no matter the cost.

Reminds me of my neighbor, when the new Hemi Challenger came out. Dealer had it marked up 20 grand over sticker price. Dealer knew Stupid would buy it just so they could say they have it first. And yep Stupid lives right next to me. Today you can pick one up cheap.
Some people put outrageous prices on mini bikes . There's a Bonanza BC1000 with a newer Tec motor on CL SF Bay Area for $1000 for more than 2 years. Those don't sell. Now a Nicely restored BC1500SH Hodaka can easily get $4000 or more. Then you have the Speedway Black Shadow with the Sachs motor. Well you get the picture. Me I like the Bonanza BC 1100 Front peg with perfect Go Powers, Briggs, wrong seat I paid $60 ! Just makes my day.
There are currently a number of Fox Campus bikes listed on ebay. One fellow is asking 5K and the other is looking to get almost 7K for his. Of course they have been on there for ages and neither has yet to receive a bid. If they want to ask prices like that; I don't have a problem. What p****s me off is when they advertise them as fully or 100% restored and I can sit there and list 20 things that are in no way original. Just my two cents worth. Ogy
Restoration on anything is a labor of love. I don't care if it's a car, mini bike, or a house you never get back what you put in. Chroming costs a ton because of the chemicals involved and its just about illegal to do now. Paint and upholstery is a honed skill. Mechanic work is becoming a lost art.
That's why there's the 1%ers and then everyone else...That's also why they make more than 1 flavor of ice cream. To do a proper mini bike restoration on certain bikes is FAR from cheap. Ask me how much I have into my Benelli Volcano resto? On second thought, don't. Then again, this is also a hobby where people find it acceptable to use a $3 bomb can to spray a bike with...Try that in the car world. Point is...there is something for everyone in this hobby, the young kid who gets to ride his first motorized vehicle, or the young kid who learns how to rebuild his first engine using a Tecumseh, or the father sharing a special memory with their kid etc...then there are the truly rare bikes that are part of history and command higher prices because WE have deemed them desirable.

I have no problem with any of it. Some people think it's nuts to spend $4000 on a mini-bike, but there are definitely bikes I would gladly pay $4k for, IF I could even find one...I think it's nuts to spend $5 at Starbucks...to each their own...We all have 'vices' in life...but as long as you enjoy them, and they don't infringe upon someone else's life then keep on living and enjoying! Life is too short as it is! Cheers! :thumbsup:
That's why there's the 1%ers and then everyone else...That's also why they make more than 1 flavor of ice cream. To do a proper mini bike restoration on certain bikes is FAR from cheap. Ask me how much I have into my Benelli Volcano resto? On second thought, don't. Then again, this is also a hobby where people find it acceptable to use a $3 bomb can to spray a bike with...Try that in the car world. Point is...there is something for everyone in this hobby, the young kid who gets to ride his first motorized vehicle, or the young kid who learns how to rebuild his first engine using a Tecumseh, or the father sharing a special memory with their kid etc...then there are the truly rare bikes that are part of history and command higher prices because WE have deemed them desirable.

I have no problem with any of it. Some people think it's nuts to spend $4000 on a mini-bike, but there are definitely bikes I would gladly pay $4k for, IF I could even find one...I think it's nuts to spend $5 at Starbucks...to each their own...We all have 'vices' in life...but as long as you enjoy them, and they don't infringe upon someone else's life then keep on living and enjoying! Life is too short as it is! Cheers! :thumbsup:
^^^^^Can't say it better than this^^^^^:thumbsup:


Well-Known Member
Phil you know that was the "I don't want to sell it price" just to shut that clown up :doah:
I was wondering about that. I thought you'd lost your mind :laugh: Then I started to wonder if I should have bought the trike I saw at Windber last year for half that :pimp:

It is obnoxious that guys come here with a fist full of cash and demand that someone sell them whatever it is they're wanting. A simple want-ad would've sufficed and probably would have received a decent response.
I noticed most of the guys that complain about the prices that some minibikes sale for probably couldn't afford them anyway. But I'm not totally sure of their financial situations I'm just thinking out loud. And they never seem to post any of the high dollar minibikes that we are talking about in this post, seems kind of strange right! I believe they might just be a little jealous of those guys that are making a fair amount money for a nice rare minibike. Oops that's me just thinking out loud again. Well out here in California that's what we call being a player hater. There are two kinds of people in the world, people that play the game and people that watch the game being played, if you are a complainer which one of those people do you think that you would be. Dang I did it again I have to stop thinking out loud like this. Jeffdubb8 Said it best there are 1% er's and there is everybody else.
Hey Jeffdubb - wanted to ask you. Can you put that Benelli in your trunk to transport? I have one that i want to drive up north 900 miles. I read an old article that advertised the volcano as one that you can just put in the trunk since the gas cap tightens.. Thanks.
Hey Jeffdubb - wanted to ask you. Can you put that Benelli in your trunk to transport? I have one that i want to drive up north 900 miles. I read an old article that advertised the volcano as one that you can just put in the trunk since the gas cap tightens.. Thanks.
I used to have a Benelli Dynamo that you could put in your trunk with the handle bars turned down, but I've never tried to do it with the Volcano. It is definitely bigger and a lot heavier. That 180cc engine is huge. As for gas leaking, personally I wouldn't try it...because even if the gas tank cap is tight, you could still have a leak from the petcock or the carb. Personally I'd empty the gas before putting in my trunk, unless you like the smell of gas in your trunk.