The attached pics show a pair of sheet metal dies that fit on the jaws of a bench vice. They have magnets that keep them in place. They are 6" long but I have made 18" or so long bends by moveing the material and progressively working at it. I have a 30" hand brake that is good to 20 ga. mild steel but this little guy bends 16 ga. [with a little struggle]. Much thicker aluminum can be bent but it is necessary to make a series if bends 1/8" or so apart to get a 90 degree bend. Otherwise the aluminum will fracture. I use it all the time to make little brackets and etc. Also attached is a picture of an oil tank that was fabricated from 16ga. steel useing the little dies. Couldn't live without it. Been several years since I bought it at Harbor Freight; as I recall it was about 9 bucks. This pair has been seriously overloaded and abused but is still a good tool.
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