Seriously, hornetdude, what the hell is up with this?
mini bike go kart vintage Tecumseh engine rupp hs40 - eBay (item 120689236467 end time Mar-02-11 15:07:24 PST)
this auction is the same engine you listed for TEN DOLLARS here on OldMiniBikes, and it's listed for $125 on ebay. Clear this up for me, please? And for the rest of OldMiniBikes if you want to have any credibility going forward.
mini bike go kart vintage Tecumseh engine rupp hs40 - eBay (item 120689236467 end time Mar-02-11 15:07:24 PST)
this auction is the same engine you listed for TEN DOLLARS here on OldMiniBikes, and it's listed for $125 on ebay. Clear this up for me, please? And for the rest of OldMiniBikes if you want to have any credibility going forward.