Alsport RTS 340

Got outside today since it wasn't so hot and further disassembled my Alsport. It only came with one brake caliper. Looks like it's a Borg Warner 1000 series that someone modified. Is this the right brake pad?

Just for what it's worth take some secondhand advise start over the old Borg Warner is just not up to the Job of stopping a big trike. I would put my efforts into a dual piston caliper and a floating mount system
Shawnster, I found a NOS clutch, rebuild kit, and secondary and bought it. Now I can rebuild your old clutch also. Thanks Steve, I'm going to go another route also on the brakes. I've looked up the brakes you mentioned on previous posts as well as some others have suggested. No cheap route to go with those brakes. What about the brakes listed on the site that sells the Alsport parts. Would they work ok?
Motorcycle brakes would be a good alternative as well and most likely cheaper than the Willwood performance brake calipers. The only reasons I am using the stock brakes are, A. They were free B. They are better than nothing at the moment and I'm hoping they will work good enough to putt around on. And C. I can't afford any aftermarket brake parts at the moment. However, the first sign the brakes won't work, I'm parking it until I can afford the aftermarket brakes. But I will most likely go the motorcycle brake assy. rout as I found a local source for both new and used hydraulic brake systems at good prices but I still have to save my coin. Especially with my recent financial setbacks.

Shawn, I hate to hear of your finances. I think I read it has to be a floating brake. Someone posted that they used Harley Davidson calipers and master cylinder and that it worked great. I'm just nervous about buying something not know if they will match up to the current brake mount and if my brake disc might be too thick or too thin. I need to purchase a measuring caliper.
Another alternative (depending on your local) is snowmobile brakes. There are tons of scrap/parts ones out there & even E Bay. They're stout floating disc brakes and if ya buy a entire parts snowmobile like I did,,you get everything,mount,disc,caliper,m.cylinder ect. I bought a old Artic Cat for $125 ,got the 340 running and stripped all I could use off it,,,then scrapped the rest for $46 ! Take a look on E Bay,you'll find all these big name brake manufacturers names ! I've seen complete set ups for $45
Thanks we4amigos. I wondered about those brakes. No snowmobiles down here in Arkansas. I'll have to look on EBay.. Can you recommend a particular brand or model?