Anyone in Grand Rapids area want to pick something up and ship it for me?


Well-Known Member
I'm working on a deal on a mini bike in Michigan, and the guy doesn't want to ship it. I was wondering if someone would be willing to pick it up and ship it to me, at my expense. I can pay you for your time, or offer some parts in trade for your time. Time is a factor.

Thanks guys!


Active Member
Hey, do your shopping in your own city... lol. I'm in grand rapids.:thumbsup:

Pm me with the specs, and I'll see what I can do.


Well-Known Member
I'm still in the process of working out the details and deciding if I want to buy just parts, or the entire bike... or two bikes... or more... The wife is playing her usual role by saying "Youl should just go ahead and pass on all of it..." :laugh:


Well-Known Member
I can't say I blame her. What started out as me finding "a bike to work on in my spare time and ride around for fun" has turned into a garage full of bikes. I've got 7 in my garage (just in the past 6 months), and one in my brother's garage in Atlanta... and another two on the way (hopefully). I have a problem I think. No, it's not a mini bike problem, it's a storage problem. I hope to be able to clean out the garage this weekend and make a little more room... the wood working tools have got to go.
I have a problem I think. No, it's not a mini bike problem, it's a storage problem. I hope to be able to clean out the garage this weekend and make a little more room... the wood working tools have got to go.

you know its an Addiction when you start thinking about moving the Cars out of the garage to have more space for Mini-s!!:thumbsup:
im up to 5 here,plus two 4 wheelers,and 2 go carts and i Still have to go pick up the 2 bikes and the 3 wheeler from Ray.
pretty sure this Winters projects are covered...:doah: