B&S Drive Shaft Question

Hi there...

I am currently building my first minibike and all is going well...I had a somewhat related question I thought you might be able to help me with.

I have an OLD 3HP B&S portable water pump. I want to connect my old 97cc Baja engine to the water pump to help water my garden. The thing is, althought they both have a 5/8" drive shaft, the old B&S is threaded while the GX100 clone is cut with a keyway. I need to somehow adapt the Baja engine to connect to the threaded part for the water pump.

I think the drive shaft on the B&S is 5/8" x 20 TPI...not 100% sure...measured the best I could. Does this sound correct?

If I got a 5/8" x 20 TPI right handed die, could I just thread it myself? I wish I just could find some sort of adapter!

Thanks for your input!


Active Member
I believe you are talking about the Crankshaft, and I would just go to Granger's catalog and get a pulley (I'm assuming the water pump has a pulley attached to the crankshaft) in 5/8" the same diameter as the one that is on the pump now. I hope that helps. I might be totally misunderstanding what you are trying to do. Welcome to OldMiniBikes.