Carb choice on Predator 212

What carb would be good for a predator 212 with a stage 2 kit with
and a fuel pump at 1000feet in elevation. I am thinking a VM22 or a TM24 flatslide carb. Would a TM24 be to much carb for the bike and would It still Idle ok or would it be better for racing and high rpms and would the Vm22 would be better for on and of idle? Becasue I dont intend to allways be going really fast at high rpm!! Or am I just wrong and the TM24 will be just fine for on and off idle. I just seeing becasue red beards garage says he got more hp off of TM24 then VM22 but I did not know whether the Tm24 would idle ok and If it is worth the extra money.
The TM24 and VM22 are both good carbs and having run both of them on the Predator 212, the TM is the better choice, I sold my doodlebug this past summer which had the TM24 on it, and still kicking myself in the butt for letting it go without changing the carb out with the VM. The TM is a lot more responsive and I ran them both on the same motor and the TM was point on out off the box, the VM took some tuning to get right.
Ok, Thank you. I guess I will get the TM 24 any place you recommend buying one and what jets selection should I buy for it going on a stage 2 predator 212 at 1,000 feet elevation. And what jets did you use in the one you have.
I would just check around at the top vendors online, to check for sale prices, and make sure it is a genuine Mikuni TM24-8001, I am at sea-level, and I think I ran 130 main and 15 pilot, I have the book on MIKUNI carbs that has all the part numbers of jet sizes, and I know a few good go to places for genuine Mikuni jets, I will bring book home tomorrow and give you some more info, I will go by shop to get it sometime tomorrow, and make a note to get on here tomorrow evening
Hey buddy the TM24-8001 comes with a 130 main jet and a 15-pilot jet, and it was point on out of box for me, but if you need to purchase jets, I recommend getting Genuine Mikuni jets, the part# for the main jet is 4/042-xxxx and the pilot jet is vm22/210-xxxx, I would also pick up the Mikuni tuning manual, google it, I can't remember where I bought it at, but best 20 I ever spent, Ok here are 2 websites that are full of info on the Mikuni, the first one is and and I checked online right now NRracing has the TM24-8001 on sale for the 115.00. Hope this helps you.