chickens come home to roost

I wish my g/f's turkeys would be better at roosting. They just go on top of the food bin. I know, turkeys like to roost outside. Good enough for now. They're getting close to full grown chicken size so I need to build something for them (it's an old pic, the brown one is a Tom, the other is a hen).

They're both super friendly and it's annoying. Fingers, toes and anything shiny are their favorite things. Turkeys are way cooler than chickens. So much personality in those two. When you're out in the yard it's like having a couple of puppies following you around.

Some of the chickens (she has 25+ of them)

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The Tom (the brown one) died last week. Not sure why, but we're guessing it was blackhead disease. :sad:

Butterball is doing ok though. She was calling for her buddy constantly for a couple of days. Here she is on my g/f's leg trying to steal her breakfast the other day. :laugh:
