Coleman ct100u clutch quesstion

HI folks,about a month ago I got a coleman ct100u for my 11 years old and he really enjoys :thumbsup:. Last week my son stated that the clutch was making a noise, so I removed the clutch opened it up by removing the snap ring and cleaned with brake cleaner and lubed with motor oil the bearing as per manual ,reinstalled and noticed a little back and forth play about 2 or 3 millimeters. I know I put everything back as they were but when I look at the schematic on coleman website number 3 spacer is missing :confused:. Should I contact coleman and have them send me that part that I am pretty sure wasn't there on the first place? .Also anybody in this forum owns this bike if you can confirm that there should be a spacer behind the clutch? The only shim or spacer I had was in the clutch itself and pretty sure it was behind the snap ring which looks out of place maybe belongs on the inside? Thanks in advance any help would be appreciated.


Well-Known Member
The back and forth play should be 3mm because the spacer (bushing as Coleman calls it) is missing. Part of the spacer's dimensions is 3mm. You need to look around your work area and if you don't find it order another one from Coleman.
Hey..looks to be only the spacer that keeps the clutch off the gearplate cover not a part inside the clutch itself..clutches can float coz the chain really keeps it straight so just get one if you see clutch can move inboard to contact plate.
Thanks guys ,well I figure out the shim part and it goes inside the clutch itself. As far as the spacer it was never there to begin,so I am going to call Coleman today. One thing I noticed is that the clutch doesn't sit flush against the gear cover,the shaft end closer to the gear cover is few millimeters thicker is that normal ? Maybe they never added the spacer on the first place. Any inputs greatly appreciated.