Craftsman Lawn Tractor Bagger Attachment Support Bracket


Active Member
Guys, I need one of these bagger attachment brackets for the back of a Craftsman LTX1000 lawn tractor.

I have back and neck spinal issues still, and my son got me this lawn tractor because using a push mower is Hell. I'm hoping to install a used bagger on the back for leaf pickup during the fall. Sears sells the bracket brand new, but I just lost my job after 28 years due to a workforce reduction, and am low on cash. One of the parent companies just bought out the other 1/2 of the business, and they are wiping out all the duplicate departments over a two year timeframe. I got dumped in the first batch Sept 30. The company replaced us with much cheaper Indians. Can you say "Cost Synergies"?

Anyway, if somebody has one of these laying around for cheap or free, I can pay shipping (Paypal?) to get it to me in mid-Michigan. It bolts onto the back of the tractor, and the bagger unit bolts onto it.

Lawn Tractor Bagger Attachment Support Bracket.jpg page-0.jpg

I found this pic on the web (not my actual tractor or bagger), but if you look close, it sort of shows you how this bracket is mounted on the back of the tractor:

lawn tractor bagger.jpg

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Active Member
If you can find the measurements I can make it for cost of shipping.
Well, I got this: bracketgrid1.jpg and bracketgrid2.jpg

The grids are 1 inch square.

Here is a free-hand drawing I did for the bracket that bolts against the back of the tractor:


Click on those and they'll enlarge.

Measuring from the back of my tractor, it's about 5 inches wide, x 6 inches tall for the flat foot area that bolts down. Measuring from the LEFT-hand edge, the left upper and lower bolt holes are centered 1 inch over. Measuring again from the left-hand edge, the right bolt holes are 3-3/4 inch to their center.

The top two 3/8" boltholes compared to the bottom two holes are 3-3/8" center to center apart.

The bent-arm that comes off of that and that the bagger hangs off of, has a bend in it that must come out the back a minimum of at least 6.5 inches, (to clear the back tractor lip of the frame) and then up.

If you can really make this for me, I appreciate it a LOT!!! It doesn't have to be pretty, (just strong enough to hold the weight of the bagframe and the two bags that will fill with leaves) and even if it's a bit off I can work with it.

My zip code for shipping is 48657. The rest of the info can be sent via PM.

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It will be this weekend before I can really work on it. I'll try to get it mocked up in cardboard and we can try to work the fine details out from there. Be warned the square punched holes are a bit more than I can do so I hope round holes will work. The hardest part is gonna be getting the angles correct. Is there any wiggle room on them? Just a few degrees, I understand you can't make a 45 degree bend work where it should be a 60. Looking at it it seems 1/16th thick steel should work or do you think it needs to be thicker?


Active Member
It will be this weekend before I can really work on it. I'll try to get it mocked up in cardboard and we can try to work the fine details out from there. Be warned the square punched holes are a bit more than I can do so I hope round holes will work. The hardest part is gonna be getting the angles correct. Is there any wiggle room on them? Just a few degrees, I understand you can't make a 45 degree bend work where it should be a 60. Looking at it it seems 1/16th thick steel should work or do you think it needs to be thicker?
I don't think the angles are all that critical. The only one that would come close to that, is the gooseneck bend to allow it to clear the back of the tractor seat frame. As long as it clears the back rim, the angle isn't critical. The square punched holes can be standard round drilled holes, (or leave them undrilled and I can drill them). The bagger frame will just bolt to this, so I'm not sure why they made these ones square in the pics, probably for other style bag frames. I'd say 1/16th thick steel should work just fine
Sorry to say I'm gonna have to withdraw my help from this. My lil brother is having some problems right now. Long story short a nasty divorce, her family is showing up while he is at work breaking locks on his shed, and basically doing stupid crap. Dad and I are gonna go up to his place for a few weeks to help him get back on his feet. His shop tools only include a hammer and some screwdrivers so I won't me much help to you up there. I hope you understand and again I'm sorry.

When I get back if you still want my help (and not too mad) I'll be more than willing.