DB30 Dirt Bug clutch always engaged?

My new DB30 seems to have the "frozen clutch" problem I've been reading about. The bike always wants to Go. You can raise the rear end up and the tire will spin very fast with no throttle applied. You can sit on the bike and it will take off with no throttle applied.

Any suggestions?
First question-does the bike try and pull forward just yanking on the starter cord? Or first you start it and then it starts to pull?
Only after running.

I should have tried what I did before posting. That black plastic phillips screw on the motor apparently is the idle screw. It backed it off counter clockwise several turns and now the bike only moves when the throttle is applied, and it runs just as well.

I'm assuming by your reply that if the clutch was engaged all the time that the bike would move forward during cranking it?
I had the same problem on my new style db30. The bike would want to take off after starting and it started getting worse over time and then started leaking fuel. My issue ended up being the air filter screws loosened up and created a air and fuel leak. There is a black piece of plastic that sits between the carb and the air filter that needed to be pushed up (towards the seat) before I could tighten the screws, if that piece was angled down it would leap forward and sometimes worse leak fuel.
You want to oil the bushing. The best way is to remove the snap ring holding the clutch together. If you can't.... Just drip oil on the snap ring and it should run onto the bushing.
Thanks, Any special oil, I have some zoom spout oil i think it is 10 weight
Woober, check your owners manual, it should show the location of the bushing needing oiling. The manual says to oil the bushing every 5 hours with 30W motor oil, only oil the bushing area and just use a couple of small drops of oil...if you over oil you have a good chance of screwing up your clutch. BTW, one guy told me he uses a Q-Tip to oil the bushing, put some oil on the Q-Tip then round it around the bushing.