Does anyone know how many times Tecumseh changed its logo?


Active Member
I am trying to date a piece of Tecumseh memorabilia, and would like to narrow down how old it is. Does anyone know what years Tecumseh changed its logos? The piece has the red Indian head with a red box around it, If I had to guess I would guess the 60S? Sorry I don't have a picture at this time. Thank you


Well-Known Member
I have a metal sign that's black, white, silver and metallic red. I think it's from the 90s. It has a large indian head logo on the upper left side and says Factory Service on it. Is that the one you're talking about?

Tecumseh used several logos over the years.

Then they went to the balloon logo

Then, for mini bikes, they went to the flag decal

They used the Indian logo for a while from the late 70s through the mid 80s

Then they went to the their final logo

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Well-Known Member
I am trying to date a piece of Tecumseh memorabilia, and would like to narrow down how old it is. Does anyone know what years Tecumseh changed its logos? The piece has the red Indian head with a red box around it, If I had to guess I would guess the 60S? Sorry I don't have a picture at this time. Thank you
Like the logo on this:

thats the 90's era updated logo.


Well-Known Member
Yes, That is exactly the logo. I guess I was thinking it was older than the 90s. Thank you
I think they started to use that one around 1987-ish and went for about 10 years, so its "vintage" at least, but in the electronic ignition era.