Elevator from hoist

Just had a new "shed" built, its 12x24 and almost 15' tall. We added a work area on top and I needed a way to get heavy stuff like karts, bikes, etc up safely so we made somewhat of a cargo elevator. It still needs some tweaking but has been working as intended. Here are some pics.

Lower Level

Upper level

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New Member
Just a note. I used to install elevators. Replaced a lot of home made stuff. Elevators have several built in safety factors, yours looks good, just be carefull!
Just a note. I used to install elevators. Replaced a lot of home made stuff. Elevators have several built in safety factors, yours looks good, just be carefull!
Thanks, i have added safety hoops around cables in case of dreailment, would love to have safety catches, but seems compliicated, so no one stands under! There are alot of refinements coming, but the big move went successfully, so now it's just whenevr something big needs to be moved, I generally do not use it for myself unless I have a load to get up to the loft.
I think the kart slicks on the handtruck are a sure sign that you're just a little TOO into this mini stuff...

...time for an intervention...
I think the kart slicks on the handtruck are a sure sign that you're just a little TOO into this mini stuff...

...time for an intervention...
Ha ha, the smaller go kart "borrowed" the dolly tires a while back, so when we got a large amount of tires in a buy out, the dolly got paid back!
Nice work, allows you to utilize all your space. I just did something similar in my garage, I was running out of floor space, so I built a heavy duty rack to put stuff up on, and I can store underneath too. I can get 8 tractors up on it. Now maybe I'll have some room to get some min-bike projects done...
