fast and furious


Active Member
this isn't for political debate, this is about a major screw up that resulted in the deaths of hundreds of people including a federal border agent. If you can't handle talking about , fine I'll accept that


New Member
Obama is a terrible president and wants to waste all out money on three things: bad things, stupid things,and waste it on nothing. He ttys to resolve this mexican crap with giving them guns?? Didn't we give some middle eastern people some weapons to fight the Russians? History repeats itself yet we can't learn from our mistakes? Im tired of Obama and talking about his screwy plans and policies. He's not evil just a guy who doesn't have a plan on what to do!!!
I'm quite often mistaken. But, with this being "Off Topic", I was under the impression any topic was OK. If someone doesn't care for the discussion, there are other threads. Kind of like channels on a TV. If you don't like the program you have options. Like I said, I may be mistaken. That being said, I'm probably the member with the "thickest skin" on OldMiniBikes, so I might not be the one to listen to in this area. You can say most anything to me, hi-jack my threads, make fun of my bald head- I don't care. And, if you don't want to know something, don't ask me- I will tell you :smile:. I've also been known to tell, anyway :shrug:. Tim.
I'm quite often mistaken. But, with this being "Off Topic", I was under the impression any topic was OK. If someone doesn't care for the discussion, there are other threads. Kind of like channels on a TV. If you don't like the program you have options. Like I said, I may be mistaken. That being said, I'm probably the member with the "thickest skin" on OldMiniBikes, so I might not be the one to listen to in this area. You can say most anything to me, hi-jack my threads, make fun of my bald head- I don't care. And, if you don't want to know something, don't ask me- I will tell you :smile:. I've also been known to tell, anyway :shrug:. Tim.
Yep ....What he said :thumbsup:

I will be the first to tell anyone I cant stand organized religion or politics , but everyone has a right to their own opinions. And this would be the spot to talk about it seeing how it is for off topics discussion. Look at all the other stupid shit in this section :no:. I wont read it or get involved , but post away.:blink: