Folding Front wheel drive Minibike. Anyone remember seeing it?

Nearly 20 Years ago I saw a folding front wheel drive minibike while surfing on Jeibovitch's Mini doodle website. I cannot find a pic of it and it's driving me nuts..

It folded out into a X shape and had a round flat seat with no padding. Very simplistic square tube frame if I remember correctly The engine was set up and over the front wheel. Every so often I remember about it and go searching for it only to come up short. I used to have a pic of it saved on a old pc but I do not have it anymore.

Anyone recall ever seeing something like this?


Well-Known Member
Yeah, I had pictures of it on Photobucket until they told me I was OVER THE LIMIT of pictures (which they gave me free originally). They threatened to delete all pictures unless I started to pay. NOT going to happen.