Gear ratio question


New Member
Hey all, been a while since I've been on here. Winter time in the great Northwest and I had my Ruttman stored away.
With good weather coming up, I've decided to "soup it up" a little.
I already ordered parts, but I have a question.
Will a gear ratio of 3.5 to 1 work?
I ordered a 17 tooth clutch from OldMiniBikes warehouse. The bike is equipped with a 3.5 HP tecumseh, 60 tooth rear sprocket and 10.5" tires. Am I just gonna burn this new clutch up or what?
fwiw I weigh about 150
Wow...that's pretty tall gear ratio you are trying to run, with such a mild engine.. let us know how it works for you ?
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New Member
Well dang. So it seems the only way to increase top speed is then to increase rpm's? I'm running my Tecumseh at 4250 which is already over the recommended maximum. Looks like the best route would to be to build a new engine