Grips wearing out

I bought Pro Taper pillow top grips when I built FarmHog. They are comfortable and I like em but alas, they are wearing out faster than I think they should. Kind of wearing out like the heels on shoes do. Have about 45 hours of ride time on them.
I waiting on a pair of ODI Rogue grips, but if I don't like them, they'll come off faster than it took to get them on.

If anybody cares to comment on any particular grips they like to use, I'm all eyes.

worn grips 1a.jpg
worn grips 2a.jpg
Pretty neat. I'd consider buying 1 of their remaining V1 sets to check out, but I run a thumb throttle and it doesn't look like they have any dual 7/8 grips in the color I'd want.
If the ODI Rogue grips don't work for me, I will consider the V2 grips. I'd rather not fall into the habit of having to change grips 1 or 2 times a year because I keep buying cheap ones.
I have bought 13 sets from them…they go on everything I build unless it’s a special build….havent bought the same color twice….

i did not like they faded once I received them..
They look good. Unfortunatley they don't make that style in atv grips, since I run a thumb throttle.
Heh, had to hit the translation button on their website. Much obliged. The company is going on the list, their 807 and 837 look interesting.
I buy bicycle grips from Amazon when I use a thumb throttle. Avoid the foam ones, but the silicone ones work great.
Do not use Dawn to slide them on. They will never stick. Use Windex.
Pro taper recommended using wd40 on their grips. Worked out pretty good.
I read "bicycle grips" and started having 50 year old flashbacks. :D They have come a ways since then.

Lol. I looked at the biltwell grips. Besides the kung fu I like the looks of the recoil style also. Looking at the torker grips is where I got the "wears like soles on a shoe" analogy.
Since they advertise as motorcycle grips only, I have to call em to see if they will sell 2 "dummy" grips as a pair.

I should have the odi rogue's here today or tomorrow. I'll see how those work out and go from there.