H25 "bc1100"

My mediocre mechanic skills tell me I need to clean and overhaul the carb on my H25. I see a bunch of different carb kits in the OldMiniBikes Warehouse. Which one should I get?

Depends.. If it is a diaphragm carb, you need that one.. If it's a float bowl carb, you need the one for the bowl carb.. If it's a prejet, you can pretty much run either bowl rebuild set.. But if it's adjutsable, you need the one for the small adjustable bowl carb.. The kit should say which sizes and models it will fit.. Most likely being a 2.5 it's the od school, fully adjustable, bowl carb..

H20 22 25 30 35... Hs40 50... H 40 50 60 70 should all work...

I guess the cheap rebuild kits, the main jet adjustment needle is threaded all the way to the head, so the needle leaks fuel.. :facepalm: So you'll wanna use the original screw, unless it's rusted all to hell.. 1/2 rusted I'd still use it.. :laugh:

any pics of the carb?
I've heard a lot of horror stories about the main jet needles being threaded all the way to the haed, so the rubber gasket can't seal, on the cheap rebuild kits...

After looking, about the cheapest kit I see, is the ont that looks like it's not stupid (going by the pics)

If you get the kit, and the treads don't stop 1/2 way down, just use your original screw...

Tecumseh Carburetor Kit for R13150

Honestly, as sexy gorgeous as that carb looks, I doubt it needs any new parts, probably just a thorough cleaning..
It looks pretty good.. Compared to the rusted solid rusted out completely cemented with gunk, corroded, junkyard carbs.. hell , that thing looks like new..

Check the throttle shaft for slop is a big one.. They will wiggle side to side some and be alright, but if it flops around loose and sloppy you'll need a new throttle shaft and maybe butterfly..