
Hello all, nice forum you got here. I hate being the new person and introductions are kinda awkward if you know what I mean. The mini bike bug just bit me 2 weeks ago when I purchased my 2 boys a manco streaker. That thing is fun lol. Any way I also purchased a frame and 2 Briggs 5 horse flat heads for 50 bucks. I am in the process of building the flat heads and finding a more suitable frame for the flattie to go into. I have been looking into these new doodle bugs made by baja motor sports and I can't seem to find any place that sells them around Kansas City. I have found a auction place that happen to sell them from time to time. They are all either damaged or have cosmetic blemishes which is fine for me but there 2 1/2 hour drive from my house. They seem to be selling any where from 25-150 dollars a piece depending on there condition. Any way, enough of me babbling its nice to find a place where there's loads of info. Thanks....................

I think I Would look for a Vintage frame on ebay before looking for the doodle bug frame.
I Dont have anything against Doodlebugs but there's just so many cooler frames from the 60's and 70's I Would look at first.