Machine Shop for Re-bore in GA

Hey guys, been calling around as I found the time and just can seem to find a small engine shop that will re-bore or a engine shop that is willing to re-bore a small motor.

Anyone got someone they can recommend around the Atlanta region of GA? Would really be much appreciated!
Dont bother with small engine shops, try some automotive machine shops
Have to no avail unfortunately. Was going for non chain places because before this I was told by many places that a NAPA shop near me would do it but when I got called I was told no?. Probably calling just the ones that don't...And cant find any reviews from shops good or bad about boreing. :facepalm:

Try Motorcycle shops
Had not thought of that. Will give 2 places I know a call that should before I even try the Pages or Google.

Thanks for the input yall. Ill keep calling around tomorrow some more.
Try Capital City Machine shop in Doraville ( 770-447-9545) they have been in Atlanta area forever, I don't know if they do small jobs but it's only a phone call to find out. They are near I-85 & I -285. :scooter:
Not to knock NAPA but I wouldn't leave anything with them, I dropped off my rear brake assembly on my Fuji Go Devil to them a few years back to have the pads relined I also told them how hard - impossible it was to replace the part and yep they lost it. The store manager pretty much blew me off till I called corporate, I ended up getting three brake assemblies to off brands and someone actually parted out a Fuji on ebay - yes I was lucky.:scooter:
Not to knock NAPA but I wouldn't leave anything with them, I dropped off my rear brake assembly on my Fuji Go Devil to them a few years back to have the pads relined I also told them how hard - impossible it was to replace the part and yep they lost it. The store manager pretty much blew me off till I called corporate, I ended up getting three brake assemblies to off brands and someone actually parted out a Fuji on ebay - yes I was lucky.:scooter:
Sad that that what you have to do now-a-days when people play games like that. You think a return customer is worth more to a business than just making it right. And NAPA was just really a last ditch. Hear no so many times and a maybe starts to sound real good....

And Thanks for the #. Bit out of the way for me but if that's what it takes, and I'm real close to the 400/285 conn so can't complain too much!:laugh:
Well you would think with all the auto parts stores at least in metro Atlanta ,yes we have three next door to each other and a short walk to a fourth they would do anything for you loyalty. I think NAPA caters more toward the retail repair shop than the walk in's.