mini b maintenance

ive got a question for the old heads out there

so the semesters over and its minib time again...

i got out the ole project and took a quick spin yesterday...after a winter in storage the clutch seemed a little sticky and im sure the chain could use some lube...ole briggsy cranked quickly so im grateful not to have to deal with cleaning a carb...but my question is

what kind of maintenance should i be doing to keep up my bike...what should i use and when and were should i use it??

thanks for the help---ride on
when you store it drain the gas out of it(maybe even the oil) and just cover it. thats really all you can do. OR just ride it every so many weeks to keep it up in maintance either way you have to lube replace or clean the clutch out some times


Active Member
use a fuel stabliser in the gas you use for your mini bike it will keep it from jelling and clogging the carb. The only other maintenance is is to go over the bike make sure all the nuts and bolts are tight,lube the chain and any oyher parts that need it ,adjust the brakes and chain. and most of all CHANGE THAT many old engine have been ruined from not having clean oil.
maybe i should have clairified this earlier

i've never oiled my clutch or chain...i dont think this is a problem yet as i havnt done serious riding but id like to know

what kind of grease/oil should i use on my chain and clutch...and were should i apply it


Active Member
a motorcycle shop will sell chain lube but any thick axle grease will work if you have nothing else. If your chain is real dirty or rusted,take it off and let it soak in kerosene. I had a problem with one where a few links were rusted and wouldn't bend. Also check your rear sprocket,if you build up a lot of dirt from the oil and grease it will make the chain ride higher on the gear


Well-Known Member
Other than engine storage issues there are a few things, IMHO, that should be looked at come spring. Spin the there a gritty wheel bearing problem? Check the throttle for easy spring return. Cables get sticky from sitting. General nuts and bolts...if checked things will have a lower chance of falling off on your first ride. Tire pressure and general inspection of the tires. The pressure, I believe, should be lowered when in prolonged storage. Brakes should also be tried out and inspected. Chains should be adjusted as was mentioned. Bottom line: it is usually necessary, if the bike was 'rode hard and put away wet' last fall, to put it up on the bench to really get it ready.
Get some Moly chain lube and a bit of that is good for the clutch bushing too.Check and replace all bearings as needed they are cheap these days.
Oil change every 25 hour or three months of use ( or before storage for winter ).

End of season:

Wash the bike and clean it well.
Get a can of Crown rust control or simmilar product and spray down and wipe down everything on the bike.
Drain all fuel an give the engine a squirt of engine storage spray into the carb warm engine. Pull it through a few strokes to draw into the engine to coat all the parts inside.
Spray some into the gas tank to coat it so it won't rust.
Leave the engine with the piston at the top of the stroke and both valves closed to to keep anything from getting in there ( moister or what not ).
Change the oil and top it up with fresh new 15/40 (diesel engine oil, my oil of choice for long winded reasons ). Cover with a good canvas tarp, plastic sheet ect but allow some air flow around it.

I like to rinse out my tank and fuel system with Coleman Fuel. Just to be sure the tank is clean end of season and nothing will gell up and get gummy. The engine storage spray should prevent that but it doens get into all the places like the carb float bowl ect unless you make the effort to open things up and spray them.

A bike stored this way could sit for a decade under less than ideal conditions and start right up. Cost a couple of cans of engine fog, rust inhibbitor and maybe a can of camping fuel all handy for other things too....


New Member
Good information here on taking care of the bike. Lucky for me, "the season" here in Arizona is pretty much all year-round .... :p :scooter:
im jealous man...if i had a garage the season would be year round...and if i didnt have school id have time and money to minibike year round

but lets not dwell on that...tis the season to :grind: