Yeah.. As long as you're gonna be half assed cofmy after work.. A long ride on a 6 inch mini bike can be rough on ya....But those things are more like a motorcycle and FAR MORE comfortable to drive.. An older Tomos would make a GREAT moped to own.. They are pretty racified machines anyways.. They have a pretty big following...
I used Tomos wheels on the Suicycle.. BUT before I chopped it up, I put a Tec 2 stroke on the Tomos and it drove very well.. I just wanted something cooler and much more powerfull and stylish.. :laugh:
I scrapped it finally I'm sure but I had a bad ass gas tank that makes them LOOK like a motorcycle, instead of the step through stuff.. :hammer:
Yeah, if it's still a Tomos moped that runs a goes good RUN it.. They are pretty bad ass 2 speed racers..