Mother Earth News

joshua. c.

Well-Known Member
Kinda bogus! :laugh: $30 HS30, and a $5 frame with everything but an engine and clutch?
might not be bogus, almost 10 years ago i got a trail horse mini bike with engine and cluch attached for free. some kid abandoned it at a high school small engines class. the teacher just wanted it gone. it had some major issues but i got it fixed up and running. still have it. How much you get somthing for is not always about what its worth, sometimes its about how much someone wants to get rid of it.
Bogus or not, I enjoyed it (but I'm sitting here with a broken foot so I can't do much else anyway). Good read, thanks for posting! :thumbsup:
From the urban dictionary:

bogus: wiggity-wiggity-whack; bullshit; unfortunate; silly; unbelievable; not genuine; the opposite of excellent

Used in various situations to express mild to extreme displeasure.

You: You know we got a Bio test today.
Me: What?? Dude, (that is) bogus.

Sorry for the confusion dudes.


Well-Known Member
With all the deep fryin around here, maybe I could convert one to run on used grease?? Smell better than what comes out my backend.:laugh: