Murray Track 2 Sprocket Change

Anyone had any luck doing a sprocket swap to make it easier to work with clutches? I want to use an adjustable clutch such as the GL's but dont think they sell #41 gears for them.
You want to measure diagonally to get bolt circle and measure center of one hole to center of next hole for bolt pattern. Let me know what you find out as 'm looking for a rear rim or whole wheel assy for my Murray.
I'll have to do that in the morning. Thanks will let you know Bill.

I know for sure that c-2-c is 2" for all 4 bolts. I will have to get diagonal though.
I swap out my whole Murray set up to 35 chain size, 66 rear and 12 tooth front. Runs really good with a stock 6.5hp clone engine.Rear sprocket is a Azusa, I think there on OldMiniBikes warehouse now.

I know this is an old thread. But the links are dead. Anyone know the part number or link to the 66 tooth sprocket?
It says it was an Azusa sprocket. Azusa will make an aluminum sprocket to your specifications.

"FINISHED" sprockets come complete with
bore and bolt circle pattern precision
machined pursuant to the pattern
you specify, ready to mount.

Here are Azusa's #35 steel rear sprockets.