Pick distance


Well-Known Member
Skipp has me beat but I was pretty proud of my 23.5 hour 1550 mile round trip to pick up my Super Bronc...straight through, 5 large coffees, 2 burritos and a half dozen bottles of water.
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Well at the time I thought it was pretty special...72 ct70 4 speed with 12 hours on it....didn’t have it 2 weeks and sold it...and the pleasure of traveling with the wife, who every 100 miles or so said “I hope this is worth it”....and it was such a joyful time....I’d rather been digging splinters out of my eyes...


Well-Known Member
If I had five large coffees two burritos and a half dozen bottles of water LOL there'd be quite a few stops..
There was, ever since I turned 50 I have the bladder of a 5 year old...fortunately I-80 and I-94 are pretty desolate and good for quick roadside pitstops.


Well-Known Member
Maybe 30 miles or so, no reason to get nutty about it, lol... :D
Now motorcycles... There's a different story; maybe 300 miles there.