Picked up a SCS Charger Charger Rat Rod

New find..

This bike was on craigs list near me It was hard to tell exactly what it was from the pics. I was close so I checked it out. --it is actually a SCS Charger Chopper -however, it has been Rat Rodded by the ower. It was and still is a very original condition Charger.

He basically found a very original and unmolested SCS Charger and modified it to look like a rat rod chopper. He was very proud of the modifications he had made.---a little scary and unsafe to be truthful- I tried to ride it) and is really doesn't steer well at all. More form over function. The motor is very strong (he said that some modifications were done)- although no specifics were given. Anyway this is what I got.

Original 4hp Tecumseh motor
Original sissy bar real decent chrome
Original seat decent condition
Original rear shocks
Original Strap-type rear brake
Original Wheels (always ask for old parts) I asked and he produced the front wheel with tire from a pile of trash :(
Original Tires -Insanely huge (hard to find rear tire)
Original foot pegs
Original throttle control
He cut the handel bars and welded them to a bar like a BMX bike-I will be rewelding them back on to the fork
Fork is original straight and in nice condition (I chipped away at the silver bomb looks like very nice chrome under spray bomb silver paint)

Frame was cut 4 inched from headset tubes bent down and rewelded, Some work involved but shoud turn out OK. Price was right for the key hard to find parts.

By the time you read this the bicycle wheel, springer set up, and ARCO gas tank has already been removed.

Looks like a winter project for sure....
I could not load photo here but i loaded it into my photos. I guess there is a problem with the browser. Hope you can find it there.
Yes, not too well engineered. Does not turn well at all. With some metal work and time soon it will be returned to the way it was originally.
Here is an original frame. You got alot of fab work ahead of you to get it back to original. Also it is called CCS meaning Central Cycle Supply! Nice Find!